TU/e Campus, Eindhoven

Inspiring knowledge-intensive environment

TU/e Campus Eindhoven

Inspiring knowledge-intensive environment

TU/e Campus: In the heart of the Brainport Region

Eindhoven Univesity of Technology’s (TU/e Campus) campus is located near the city centre. Besides educational buildings, the campus also houses companies. These companies all benefit from the cooperation with and presence of the knowledge institutions on the TU/e Campus. The companies range from startups to large international research institutes. TU/e Campus facilitates the shared use of state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and support for new companies.

Facts & figures about the TU/e Campus

  • 3 Buildings from Kadans

  • 10.700 Students

  • 3.200 Employees

Demi heeft in 2022 haar studie Vastgoed en Makelaardij aan de Fontys met succes afgerond. Zij heeft haar afstudeeronderzoek en - rapport met als onderwerp ‘de toegevoegde waarde van de ecosysteem services bij Kadans Science Partner met goed gevolg volbracht. Ze is gestart als junior commercial manager en zal het commerciële team ondersteunen bij de uitvoering van de dagelijkse werkzaamheden. Heeft u vragen? Neem direct telefonisch contact op: +31 (0)411 – 625 625 of e-mail: d.erp@kadans.com

Are you looking for office space for your high-tech organisation in Eindhoven?

Demi van Erp
M: +31 657294450 E: d.erp@kadans.com

Demi van Erp M: +31 657294450 E: d.erp@kadans.com

Demi heeft in 2022 haar studie Vastgoed en Makelaardij aan de Fontys met succes afgerond. Zij heeft haar afstudeeronderzoek en - rapport met als onderwerp ‘de toegevoegde waarde van de ecosysteem services bij Kadans Science Partner met goed gevolg volbracht. Ze is gestart als junior commercial manager en zal het commerciële team ondersteunen bij de uitvoering van de dagelijkse werkzaamheden. Heeft u vragen? Neem direct telefonisch contact op: +31 (0)411 – 625 625 of e-mail: d.erp@kadans.com

Are you looking for office space for your high-tech organisation in Eindhoven?

Demi van Erp     

M: +31 657294450   E: d.erp@kadans.com

On the campus

TU/e Eindhoven has over 10,700 students, of whom 6,600 are pursuing a bachelor’s degree and 4,100 a master’s degree. There are also over 1,700 PhD candidates. The TU/e Campus is also the workplace of more than 3,200 employees and over 2,000 academic staff.

For students, employees and researchers, the campus is more than just a business location. To be and remain attractive, the campus offers facilities such as residential accommodation, a supermarket, sports facilities, meeting and conference rooms and various types of catering establishments.

Want to rent office space?

Looking for an innovative place to base your organisation? The TU/e campus is the place to grow. Make use of the modern facilities available on the campus and join the Kadans Community. Would you like more information about the possibilities? Then get in touch with us.

De campus van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e Campus) is gelegen nabij het stadscentrum. Op de campus zijn, naast onderwijsgebouwen, ook bedrijven gehuisvest. Deze bedrijven hebben allemaal baat bij de samenwerking met en aanwezigheid van de kennisinstellingen op TU/e Campus. De bedrijven variëren van startups tot grote internationale onderzoeksinstituten. De TU/e Campus faciliteert het gedeeld gebruik van state-of-the-art laboratoriumfaciliteiten en ondersteuning voor nieuwe bedrijven.

On the campus

TU/e Eindhoven has over 10,700 students, of whom 6,600 are pursuing a bachelor’s degree and 4,100 a master’s degree. There are also over 1,700 PhD candidates. The TU/e Campus is also the workplace of more than 3,200 employees and over 2,000 academic staff.

For students, employees and researchers, the campus is more than just a business location. To be and remain attractive, the campus offers facilities such as residential accommodation, a supermarket, sports facilities, meeting and conference rooms and various types of catering establishments.

Want to rent office space?

Looking for an innovative place to base your organisation? The TU/e campus is the place to grow. Make use of the modern facilities available on the campus and join the Kadans Community. Would you like more information about the possibilities? Then get in touch with us.

Spaces on TU/e Campus

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