Event information Briskr workshop

Date:    Thursday November 12
Time:   13:30 – 16:00
Where: Online

Learn from experienced entrepreneurs how to successfully grow your business!

As a startup or young entrepreneur you often have to (re)invent your way of working. After all you have started on a path of activities that is new to you. And even though your situation is no doubt unique, it is important to learn from entrepreneurs who have already built successful businesses. In this workshop series experienced and successful entrepreneurs share their story and are available to give feedback to the participants on how to successfully grow your business.

Bo Wiesman is founder of NewCompliance, a company that has developed software to improve surgery based on sensor and data. NewCompliance is a successful Dutch company operating in 40+ health systems in Europe and US. In the US there are offices in San Francisco and in Houston.

This event will be organized for a small group and will be held in a large room, so we can ensure 1.5 meter distance at all times. Please only come if you are healthy & follow all guidelines with respect to hygiene and (walking) routes in the building. If RIVM/Government decides ‘live’ events are no longer allowed, we will postpone or switch to an online event.

This workshop is free of charge.