Would you like to steepen your learning curve as a future BioBusiness leader in Life Sciences & Health? Then join the third edition of the Talent Accelerator Programme for BioBusiness professionals in the Netherlands and Belgium.
During this intensive 10-day training and mentoring programme spread over 7 months, you will learn from experienced BioBusiness leaders & experts via sessions, workshops, business cases, mentor groups and intervision coaching. Topics include a.o. company strategy, leadership, IP, tech transfer, finance, negotiation, deal making & partnerships.
The next class will start in December 2021 and there is only room for 15 participants. Sign up here before the deadline of 1st of November to secure your spot!
The module of December 1st and 2nd takes place at our Rotterdam Science Tower.
The module of June 1st and 2nd will also take place on a Kadans campus